Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Does My Face Turn Red After I Eat

first giveaway! CLOSED!

Hello my dear! Yes, this is the first (of many hihii) to giveaway! In fact
I wanted to do it later .. but I can not wait! (If the case had not realized that in me is totally lacking the ability to wait, now you have had confirmation!).
The reason for a giveaway? Well .. in all honesty I was surprised of the beautiful people I've known, "penetrating" into the world of make up. I was really surprised by the sweetness of the girls on facebook and here on the blog .. if that is the effect that makes the makeup on the girls .. well then I believe that even the kids should make up! Haha .. so all this is for say thanks !
But now we go straight to the prize:

for you my dear that you win the prize, you will find:

  • a pack of colored contact lenses gray (the colors because I think good or bad is good to all, and then sometimes it's nice to change the look by changing eye color)
  • three small springs, white, pink and gray, shaped like a staple of h & m
  • two smaltino kiko
  • an eyeliner brush from
  • a pupa mascara (posters in these days Rewiew )
  • a purple vogue address book (I have an equal, where I take notes on my impressions of the products and use them .. if not I forget =) and then can not remember cosa scrivere nel blog hiihihihi )
  • una maschera contorno occhi della bv
  • e poi...taaanti campioncini di creme e profumi!

  il giveaway inizierà dal momento in cui pubblicherò il post e durerà una settimana, cioè fino alla mezzanotte di domenica 27 febbraio. L'estrazione avverò tramite . Ti dico da subito che  non avrò modo di documentare l'estrazione se non con delle foto, quindi se non ti fidi, se credi che io ti stia fregando in qualche modo, non partecipare. Potrà forse testimoniarlo poi la vincitrice =)

E ora passiamo alle regole!
  • be registered to my blog? no need .. I'm not doing to increase membership, I'd like people to follow me because I'm interested in what I write .. not that I put up for grabs =) If you decide to sign up .. well thank you very much! I would very much alike.
  • how it works? you have to leave one or more comments below this post. I'd like to speak to me in the comments that you, and do not you write random things =) I'd like to meet you! Even with such phrases, books you like, movies you like, products you love and you hate .. stuff like that =)
  • how many comments you have? who want you dear .. You can leave uno diero l'altro o far passare un po di tempo tra uno e l'altro, come preferisci!
 beh che dire..buona fortuna!baci!


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