Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Lose Inches With Preparation H

It 'nice to have so many friends

Tanti bambini hanno un amico immaginario, e non c'è niente di strano, in questo.
Ma il mio NO.
Mio figlio non ne ha uno , ne ha un'intera squadra.
Questi amici, tranne uno, hanno nomi stranissimi e vivono a Roma.
Si chiamano PètinoSitoSauro - per gli amici Pètino -, Vecchio Didi (un giorno mio zio si è sbagliato e l'ha chiamato il Grande Guido. Il Piccolo Schmidt era più infuriato del pelide Achille); Chichi e Comandone.
Quest'ultimo, nomen omen, sembra essere un uomo grande grosso and overbearing.
The merry band lives together in a house not made more specific in Rome, and is sometimes a visit to my house. Unfortunately, whenever I'm not there. It seems that last year
Chichi has stayed with us for months, because they need care after breaking a leg. The Little
S. One day he looked at me with his owlish eyes blacks and asked me, pleading: "mama, here is Chichi, presented contuna (not a mistake, he did say that!) broken leg may remain from us? "
And what could I do, I? Say no? I thought that where you eat more than one in four cat can eat a cat in the four most più un povero Chichi claudicante e trasparente da Roma, e ho acconsentito.
Ingenua, ignara, boccalona.
Ho rischiato più volte di porre fine alla giovane vita del tapino sedendomici sopra col mio culone, non assicurandolo con la cintura di sicurezza in auto, mettendogli l'acqua troppo calda nella vasca da bagno, ed in altri modi crudeli che neanche gli americani a Guantanamo.
Nonostante la mia sciatteria ed iniquità, però, Chichi è guarito, e si è finalmente riunito agli altri tre compari a Roma.
Dove è morto poco dopo.
Ma poi è risuscitato.
Per poi rimorire e ri-risuscitare ad intervalli regolari.
Adesso succede che mio cugino, per lavoro, debba spesso andare a Roma, e Little Schmidt absolutely want to ask him to go with him, so while the great work, the baby is with her friends.

But as I said, not all of his friends live in Rome: in fact, Richard lives in a castle (invisible as gorgeous) located out of my garage. Fortunately, the presence of the imposing manor does not hinder the transit through the mobile Schmidt.
Richard is the only son of the King and Queen of the United Romano (aridaje!), and his parents are rich and powerful.
Richard was born on the same day, the same month and same year of the Little Schmidt, but it already works.
No, it's the prince "because it is , how can it ?. "Silly me to ask.
is a mechanic. Seven years. It also seems to be very good.
One afternoon last summer, the PS was playing on the terrace while I was at home.
At one point screaming and I, who are not anxious for nothing, I run out of upsetting a chair and other small things that were on my way.
"What happened?"
"An accident!"
"Richard has fallen from terrace and is dead! "
Given the situation, I was not in me, and asked:" Richard who? "
" Like who? My friend! Now we have to tell his mother! "
The mother, understandably, was destroyed by the news.
the evening My husband returned from work.
The PS is not even close, and rejects coccolina evening. Mr. Schmidt does not understand.
"I am offended with my father, Richard is dead and he did not even made the condolences!"

Richard, luckily, even though he lives in Rome has the same regenerative properties of Chichi, and was raised a few days later.
As I write is playing the Game of the Goose with the PS and also wins.


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