Omnino qui rei publicae praefuturi sunt duo Platonis praecepta teneant: unum, ut utilitatem civium sic tueantur, ut quaecumque agunt, ad eam referant obliti commodorum suorum, alterum, ut totum corpus rei publicae curent, ne, dum partem aliquam tuentur, reliquas deserant. Ut enim tutela, sic procuratio rei publicae ad eorum utilitatem, qui commissi sunt, non ad eorum, quibus commissa est, gerenda est. Qui autem parti civium consulunt, partem neglegunt, rem perniciosissimam in civitatem inducunt, seditionem atque discordiam; ex quo evenit, ut alii populares, alii studiosi optimi cuiusque videantur, universorum pouchitis.
In general, those who have to govern the state, keep in mind these two precepts of Plato: first, treating the return of citizens to adapt to it all their actions, forgetful and heedless of their interests, and secondly, to provide for the whole body of the state, that as you take care of a part, have to neglect the others. How to protect a pupil, so the State Government must be exercised to the benefit of Government, but of the governed. On the other hand, those who provide a part of citizens and to neglect another, introduce State of the most fatal illness: the discord and sedition, so it happens that some are friends of the people, other proponents of the nobles, very few are devoted to the good of all.
Cicero was born in 106 NB a. C.
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