Monday, March 7, 2011

Wrestling Singlet Superman

Sephora Concealing Blemish Pen

hello dear I want to talk today of the Concealing Blemish Pen Sephora. This is a pen correction which amounts to a marker.
This work I liked enough, has a good grip, and even the texture is really good. Typically, correctors are very very creamy opaque, but at the same time getting into the folds of the eye. Result? An ugly
effect, the lines of expression are emphasized a lot, putting on her face 10 years to boot! This correction
instead spreads well on the face, his eyes lighting up. The only downside of this product? The opacity. This correction in fact not a great coverage. And 'good for you but if you have dark circles are not very evident, but if like me
sleep very little, this is not the most suitable product.
I was very surprised at his Duration: honestly did not think would last so much! Once applied, we step on a veil of powder and really lasts all day!
Its application is felt, is very soft.
Personally, I apply it by dabbing the tip of the pen under the eyes and then use your fingers, because no matter how soft the applicator, it is still too hard to use as Smudge say.
To escape the product simply by turning on itself of the pen, just turn it very little.
One thing I really do not like is the fact that there is no way to know when the product is going to end .. I would have preferred that this correction pen had been transparent, or at least a way to be able to account for when il prodotto stia per finire.
Apparte questo è un prodotto niente male..te lo consiglio se non hai occhiaie particolarmente marcate, in caso contrario non credo sia il prodotto più adatto a te.
Personalmente non credo che lo ricomprerò una volta finito, purtroppo non è abbastanza coprente per me.
Non ricordo esattamente il suo costo, credo si aggiri intorno ai 10€.
Io l'ho comprato approfittando di un offerta  fatta da sephora: acquistando un prodotto della loro linea, se ne poteva prendere un altro al costo di un euro.
Tra poco credo sia finito, e poi proverò finalmente la palette correttori di Zoeva, che ho preso ormai quasi un mese fa..non vedo time to try it!
you who've never tried my dear?
How much correction you have found good and that you recommend?
kisses dear!


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