Thanks! One thing crumbled
a post today dedications and acknowledgments, other than the usual descriptions of strange people and bizarre events that take turns in the life-parvula.
(But stay tuned tomorrow ! There will be upgrades ;-))
AEHM ... are not good at these things ... so let's go straight to the point.
why I opened this blog in disguise for two months, and already I follow with affection, I do not say much, but ... few but good? Thanks
why attend, comment and even rewarded me!
Thanks to you all, that with your support I have instilled a little more security, so I created an account on face book to name parvula Scrivens.
Thanks especially to Mom in a hurry and stresserentola , which I have mentioned in their virtual homes, dedicating many beautiful words.
Thanks to my dear friend mammaemigrata , I stand every day, and I am delighted with the tales of his life in Luxembourg, with
Lupina , which makes me sganasciare with laughter, thanks to R , who with her blog makes me relive my too brief stay in London, and was sorbed to preview the Summer Solstice, so much to convince me to publish a part. Thank Christian, a man who carries the art of pazienza in ogni attimo della sua giornata, e che con il suo lavoro e il suo blog fa conoscere la nostra meravigliosa, ma spesso bistrattata lingua, il friulano.
L'elenco รจ troppo lungo, ci sarebbero tanti altri blog da citare, alcuni molto famosi, altri meno.
Grazie a tutti, comunque!
Un abbraccio freddoloso,
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