gaffeur parvula (Post poss-body)
If there's one thing I can institution by very well, it's for sure institution make gaffes and collect figures.
In my life I've made some really wo institution memorable, and two women had the protagonists from the belly promin institution.
1) queue in the toilet of the hospital. Look diligentem entity, as institution impazientem , my turn. Finally are entity within. There toilet paper. Control the purse: no tissue nor towels. Esco disconsolate and I complain to my husband. A girl of about thirty, accompanied by a lady who I assume is his mother, handing me two gentilm body tissue paper, taken from the heads body bag that rests on his belly. Apart from the belly is very slim and pretty. I thank her and tell her to come to my place.
"But no, I figured, you were there first!"
"No, no, you go, I know what runs when you're pregnant!" I say winking.
"But I'm not pregnant!" She says.
rushed into the toilet, do not go out until the opening under the door I can not see standing.
2) The cleaning company is sending a team of ladies to clean the external glass wall, complete with scaffolding. Comment by my colleagues of what is inappropriate for a woman in an advanced state of pregnancy to do a job like that. He Accons institution, but there is also saying that he raram institution diss authority on something. Looking back I think I've probably never done.
The ladies working for about two hours. At the end come to make sure that there are no streaks. There are many, and too many stains and pigeon droppings, but I do not say ni body because I feel sorry for the pregnant lady and I do not want to get tired.
puts her hands on her back, and says that it hurts and that is tired.
I go and I offer you a chair.
"Sit down, we think it's tired, in his condition!"
He looks annoyed.
"Why?" Under what conditions would I be? " Looking closely, I realize that will take 55 years.
"No. .. I meant that you worked so hard ..." Muttered before retiring in stock muttering that they needed some brochures.
My colleague laughs in his sleeve but does not comment.
3) In the bar.
make coffee and serve with a chocolate to a regular customer.
not eat it. Reissue the command with him the rest.
"Keep You, I present, I do not like chocolate." I he says.
"Bring your wife." I say to him, sentimentalist.
say something, smiling, I'm also a bit deaf and I do not understand, and adopt my favorite tactic: I smile back and nod with conviction. He walks away leaving me the chocolate.
My cousin, who is in a bar with me, asking me if I understood what he said the customer. I confess that no, actually I did not hear.
"Did he say that his wife is so fat already, and did not even need to eat chocolate."
4) Always in a bar, between the two clients are identical twins, almost identical. But I make the beautiful, proud, and I can tell very well. One day
vedo parcheggiare uno dei due nel piazzale. Esce dall'auto come un fulmine ed entra.
Ma io, che sono più veloce, sto già montando la schiuma per macchiare il suo caffè. Mi compiaccio di me stessa: conosco a memoria i gusti dei miei clienti!
Si avvicina al banco quasi correndo. Io sto per mettere la schiuma sul caffè.
"Parvula, Parvula! Fammi un caffè liscio!"
"Oh, come mai lo vuoi liscio oggi?"
"Veramente a me piace liscio, ma tu me lo fai sempre macchiato, mi dispiaceva fartelo buttare via!"
Ho sbagliato fratello...
5) Sono incinta della Principessa. Sfoglio con una mia amica il libro dei nomi. Li commentiamo insieme.
Lettera A.
"Che Argia damn name is? "I say.
" My dad called Argia. "she says.
Well, now I do not want the victim, but how likely is it could be your daughter a peck Argia??
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