Tuesday, January 25, 2011

5dpo Cramping And Sticky Discharge


Hello everyone!
Sorry for the absence of these days, but I've been busy with other things.
guy is reading in language of the original series that has True Blood inspired. I think I love Eric Northman ... However
Have you heard that the body of Mike has been stolen? But how do you steal a dead man? I have no words. And leave me without words is very, loooong hard!
But then, the coffin stink? Lose some soupy liquid, mephitic and repulsive? Give off gases which in contact with the air fire resulting in the famous wisps?
I do not want to disrespect the good Mike, but for which CSI is seen for years, these questions arise spontaneously.
I already imagine Grissom with its bugs who goes in search of tracks.
Ok, I realize that this speech may hurt the sensitive souls, we pass ad altro.
Ecco, volevo cambiare discorso, ma devo fare ancora una puntualizzazione.
C'รจ chi ha ipotizzato che abbiano profanato la tomba di Mr Allegria e trafugato i poveri resti per fare un dispetto a Berlusconi.
Capisco che per molti Berlusconi incarni l'anticristo, abbia rovinato l'Italia, sia la causa del buco dell'ozono (e non solo dell'ozono...), della fame del mondo, dei foruncoli, dei pidocchi e delle zecche, e forse anche che sia il padre di tutti i 14 figli di OctoMum; ma che c'azzecca con la sparizione del cadavere di Mike????
A meno che.
A meno che in quel corpo semi decomposto non ci siano prove che confermano i rapporti peccaminosi del nostro premier with other minors or with their mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, grandmothers and cognate small guests to some program of the late announcer.
Who knows.
I leave you with these terrible suspicion that I poison the soul.
And I can tell you also about sad things, which are on a diet of ten (10) days, I'm hungry four (24) hours a day, dream lasagna with meat sauce and milk and coffee with snacks in pucca, chocolate and polenta and gorgonzola, and I'm not even a gram.
And also to inform you that my argument lies almost untouched.
At least she rest in peace.


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